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5 Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read

5 Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read

We live in a time and age where a lot of people don't really read books. They just simply don't. We'd rather binge-watch the latest Netflix shows or catch the new 'Avengers' movie, scroll for hours on Instagram and snap away on Snapchat. Well, there's nothing wrong in that, let me just say that. I am guilty of doing that too. Now don't get me wrong. There are still a lot of people who read books but that number isn't what it used to be a decade or more ago. It's not because books aren't good anymore. Trust me, they're still great. It's because we are all finding it harder and harder to make time for it. We just simply don't have the time. Well, at least that's what we tell ourselves. But here's the thing, we all make time for whatever we want to make time for, no matter what.

There are a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who are just starting out. They don't always have a great business acumen or insights, nor do they always find great mentors who'd be willing to help them out. What are they supposed to do? Find the best books available on the market to read about whatever inquiry it is that they want to find information about. For those of you who already do read and can time for it, I don't need to convince you. But for those of you have trouble finding the time for it or reading, these are some of the most recommended and proven-for-success books that you can find on the market right now.

So, without further adieu, here's the list(in no particular order):

  • The Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris
 The 4-Hour Workweek

This is a great book about how you can live your life like a millionaire without even being one; finding more time for your other activities while still working and making more money than you did while working a typical corporate job -- all on your own terms.

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 
Think and grow rich

This is a book that is built around principles that are bound to make you elevate the way you think and to apply the very same principles to turn your thoughts into a reality that makes you acquire whatever you're seeking -- money, in this case. It all begins with your mind. 

  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey
7 habits of highly effective people

This is a great book that teaches you the habits for polishing you into a person who is not only focused on becoming a great version of themselves for themselves but for others as well. It takes you along on a journey that will help you transition from dependence to independence and independence to interdependence. 

  • The $100 Startup by Chris Gullebeau
The $100 Startup

This is a book about how with the power of internet, you can break free from the tedious, traditional jobs that make you bound to a chair from 9-5. It provides a great insight into how you can move away from that life while still making a great amount of money by starting a new business... with as low as $100. 

  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The lean startup

This book is researched and written by Eric Ries who, with experiences from working on his startup IMVU, has come up with a great way to showcase what it feels like to work at a startup and how you can measure its progress by following the right strategies and certain tricks of the trade. 


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